Pension ABC

A. Starting or changing my job (Employment - born before 1988)

A1. When would I be registered with the statutory pension system in Sweden?

The state old-age pension is paid in three different forms; income pension, premium pension (both earnings-related) and guarantee pension. For more details about the Swedish pension system refer to the section Pension Landscape in Sweden.

Earnings-related old-age pension:
All employed and self-employed persons born in 1938 or later are insured when earning more than 42.3 % x price base amount (SEK 44,500 in 2013), i.e. SEK 18,824 SEK in 2013. All income from employment and self-employment is pensionable income.

Guarantee pension:
All persons considered resident in Sweden.

A2. Who pays the contributions?

Earnings-related old-age pension:
Every year 18.5 percent of your salary and other taxable benefits is set aside for your national retirement pension. The contributions are paid by both, employers and employees. 16 percent is set aside for the income pension, where the value of the pension follows earnings trends in Sweden. The remaining 2.5 percent of your salary and other taxable benefits go to the premium pension, where you choose funds you wish to invest your money in yourself.

A3. Can I claim for a refund of my contributions if I leave Sweden again?


A4. Are my times of pension insurance in Sweden taken into account in other countries and vice versa?

Earnings-related old-age pension:
The pension you earn in Sweden will be paid from Sweden to you.

Guarantee pension:
Within the EU/EEA, periods of insurance within one specific member state can be used to for an entitlement of a benefit in another member state. The guarantee pension is payable abroad only within the EU/EEA and, under certain conditions, in Canada. The guarantee pension is under certain conditions subject to coordination.

A5. What should I do before leaving Sweden with regard to my statutory pension?

Normally you should do nothing, see answers to question C2. There is no need to enquire regarding your entitlements under the public pension scheme. If we have access to your address you will receive information in your Orange Envelope, the yearly statement.

B. My pension benefits (Employment - born before 1988)

B1. What benefits and services does the Swedish state pension scheme provide?

The Swedish Pensions Agency administrates old-age pension in three different forms; income pension, premium pension and guarantee pension.

The Swedish Pensions Agency administrates the individual’s changes of premium pension funds – that is, the choice of funds in the premium pension system.
The agency provides yearly information on public pension status, the Orange Envelope.

The Swedish Pensions Agency also administrates survivor benefits. If you have a national old-age pension you can get housing allowance from the age of 65.

In cooperation with the industry we also provide holistic pension information for Swedish pensions at (in Swedish only).

B2. Is there a qualifying period for my statutory retirement pension in Sweden?

Earnings-related old-age pension:
The pension is based on lifetime earnings reported to the system. There is no minimum period to qualify for it.

Guarantee pension:
The maximum guarantee benefit is paid if resident for at least 40 years.

B3. Are my times of pension insurance in Sweden taken into account in other countries and vice versa?

Earnings-related old-age pension:
The pension you earn in Sweden will be paid from Sweden to you.

Guarantee pension:
Within the EU/EEA periods of insurance within one specific member state can be used to for entitlement of a benefit in another member state. The guarantee pension is payable abroad only within the EU/EEA and, under certain conditions, in Canada. The guarantee pension is under certain conditions subject to coordination.

B4. Can I pay voluntary contributions in order to qualify for a pension?


B5. How high will my state pension entitlements acquired in Sweden be?

Earnings-related old-age pension:
The pension is based on lifetime earnings reported to the system. 18.5 percent of pensionable income up to a ceiling of 7.5 income base amounts qualifies (in 2013 that equals SEK 424,500 SEK). The insured person must have years with annual earnings of at least 42.3 % x price base amount (SEK 44,500 in 2013).

Guarantee pension:
A full minimum pension is set at 2.13 x base amount for single persons, and 1.9 x base amount for married persons.

C. Nearing retirement (Employment - born before 1988)

C1. When can I claim for my pension in Sweden?

Earnings-related old-age pension:
The retirement age is flexible, beginning at age 61 and you can wait to withdraw up to any age. Apply in good time – at least 6 months before you want to receive your benefit. Swedish pension cannot be paid out retroactively.

Guarantee pension:
At age 65, if a resident of Sweden for at least 3 years, and receiving low or no income from earnings-related pensions.

C2. Where do I apply for a pension if I do not live in Sweden?

If you live abroad, the way that you apply for a Swedish pension depends on the specific country.

If you live in an EU member state, you contact the pension authority in that country. If you live in other countries you may have to apply for Swedish pension to the Swedish Pensions Agency.

Apply in good time – at least 6 months before you want to receive your benefit. Swedish pension cannot be paid out retroactively.

In all cases the pension is paid from Sweden to you directly. (To receive an occupational pension from Sweden you need to apply to the administrator of the specific occupational pension scheme.).

C3. Can I apply for a state pension in Sweden if I’m still working in another country?

Yes. It does not affect your pension from Sweden.

C4. How high will my state pension entitlements acquired in Sweden be?

The pension is based on lifetime earnings reported to the system. 18.5 percent of pensionable income up to a ceiling of 7.5 income base amounts (in 2013 that equals SEK 424,500 SEK) is credited for the pension. The insured person must have years with annual earnings of at least 42.3 % x price base amount (SEK 44,500 in 2013).

C5. How will the pension be paid out?

Earnings-related old-age pension:
The pension you earn in Sweden will be paid from Sweden to you.

Guarantee pension:
The guarantee pension is payable abroad only within the EU/EEA and, under certain conditions, in Canada.